Hi all Can anyone answer these questions for me. At the moment I do not have a dual core processor and when I encode from DIVX to DVD using Nero it does it in real time (the fan on my PC is going like the clappers) and uses 99% of the processor. 1) If I got a dual core processor PC would it speed up my encoding time? 2) If I kept my PC and bought a good graphics card (one that costs about £50) would that speed up the encoding process? I've been led to believe that only certain programmes will run using both processors if it is a dual core PC. Is this right? One last thing.....Can anyone let me know how long it takes them to convert a DIVX to a DVD using Nero (preferably by telling me how long the film is and then how long it takes to encode) Cheers Adrian
Since Nero 7.5(or was it 7.7, don't remember precisely) was released, I think it was supposed to have multi-threaded encoding support, which would allow Nero to take advantage of the second core. As for the encoding time-real time I think is actually good. What quality setting and one pass encoding or 2-pass? If your processor can't deliver, is maxed out during encoding, a new graphics card I doubt it would make a difference. It seems that since Nero , it supports 8 core systems: http://www.amd.com/us-en/assets/con...tPlatformsMediaPresentation_FINAL20070518.pdf
My processor is a 2.4 dual core, I'm using Nero and as a rule of thumb a 700mb AVI movie (or even Divx) takes around the hour to hour fifteen....same for ConvertXtoDVD
Gwendolin, Your 700mb files that you convert.....how long are they in minutes? Are they about 1hr 15 mins? Adrian