I have Nero 6, it came with my computer. But I am have I little problem, namely getting audio and video in proper sync. I am following the prompts and instructions as best I can, but there seems to be no way available to me to fix the synchronization of the audio and video. It all looks (and sound) just fine on my hard drive, but when I burn it and pop it into my DVD player, it looks like a badly dubbed foreign film(someone talks then the vioce is heard a few secands latter). Can someone let me know what to do?!?!
Could you post a log file from Nero ? To do so, go here: C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero Look for a file named "NeroHistory.log" Open that file up and copy the last log in it. Then paste it here. (Don't forget to remove/delete your serial number from the top of the log file. It usually starts with "1A2.-....-.....".)