Hi, I have a questio about Nero and Roxio. I have never used either, and I was wondering which is the best. I hope I do not offend anyone, but there was no Roxio thread. Thanks...
Hi. Tell us what tasks you need to perform. It's possible there are free programs that'll do what you want. There are also free trials available for both of the programs you mentioned so you'll be able to try them out before actually buying. I have both Nero and Roxio, but honestly seldom use either, finding other alternatives better in many cases.
Hey, Thanks alot for the input. I am mainly interested in burning mpg, avi, etc to dvd. Also creating slideshows and back up data? Thanks for the help...
The Nero suite will do all that, although Nerovision, the conversion program, has its own share of problems. ConvertXtoDVD is a better converter in my opinion but costs $. DVD Flick is a freebee program that does a decent job of converting. Of course some converting can be avoided by just acquiring a DVD player that also plays divx. I don't trust BackItUP, Nero's backup program. I generally use Norton Ghost, which can often be had after rebates for either free or a few $ if you own other Norton products. As for slideshows, I don't do them, so can't comment.