DOes nero work on vista? Like will i be abel to burna dvd and create a menu without having to activate a silly codec ro soemthing liek that? Lots of rpogs dont work well on vista like roxio which i just bought and hvaent been able to use since i bought it cuz of the worst activation process EVER! I only got it cuz i had a lite veriosn on my PC. SO does nero let you easily add VOB files amenu and add a soundtrack for the menu.... Thanks in advance if anyone replys....
But do you have to register codecs and then have to do clean installs like 20 times before it works? Please be honest as if i have to pay for a prg that i cant use again my brian will xplode. Will i be burning right after buying basically? Nothing ro register/activate etrc..... Does anyone here hate roxio as much as me? BURN ROXIO BURN!!!!! (not a dvd of course cuz it couldnt ever do that!)