Nero problem: Comment & question

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by glenn04, Aug 1, 2004.

  1. glenn04

    glenn04 Member

    Aug 1, 2004
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    By the way, this is my first post here, hope someone can help, anyways, comment first then question.....


    I came to this site and saw a link to a Nero Demo here:
    and I downloaded and installed it on July 31st, 2004, yesterday. I was using it then it said it expired at the end of July 31st!!! So I got to use it for less than ONE DAY!!!! I was so upset!! So I looked around and found out from somewhere else that Nero demo was from early july to July 31st, 2004!! I never knew this!! I thought whenever you download something, the 30 days starts from that certain day!! I wanted to use Nero to see if I wanted to actually spend money on it.

    2 questions......

    1) Does anyone have a link for Nero free demo trial for August????

    2) And will I be able to download and install another free demo version for Nero or did Nero install something in my computer that will detect and see that I already used a previous demo and will block me from using any new demo in the future??

    Again, first time posting here, I hope someone can answer my questions, thank you.

  2. DarkBlade

    DarkBlade Member

    Jul 21, 2004
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    just move the date on your computer back!

    well dont know if still works, you could do that before they got cleaver.

    """And will I be able to download and install another free demo version for Nero or did Nero install something in my computer that will detect and see that I already used a previous demo and will block me from using any new demo in the future?? """

    yes, in my belive you cant install another nero because it will say the same.

    you need to mess and find the nero registry and deleted.

    but i am sure someone will tell you how.

    If am wrong in anything just shoot me i can take it

  3. Veblin

    Veblin Active member

    Feb 27, 2003
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    A new nero trial should be released on August 2 and will work through August 31. Each trial only works for that month and a new trial must be downloaded to use the next month.
  4. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Thats just plain crazy isn't it......

    So the moral here is, if you want to experience the full trial period with Nero - you have to download it at the beginning of the month......or mess around with your registry...........

    LMFAO..........Just another reason why I steer clear of Nero...................

    I know, why not do it like everyone else - 30 days from date of installation...................simple....

    Just my opinion though - do not let it put anyone off - that is what trials are for........

    glenn04, it seems like you may need to wait 6hrs and 36 mins - to gain your free 30 days.......
  5. glenn04

    glenn04 Member

    Aug 1, 2004
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    How do I clean my registry so that when I download another new trial version of Nero, it won't detect I had one before??????

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