Nero Recode won't recognizeDVD-Video in Image Reader prepared w/ NeroVision

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by mdmgso, Aug 12, 2005.

  1. mdmgso

    mdmgso Member

    Aug 5, 2005
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    I just got Nero 6 Ultra, and applied all of the new upgrades.
    I have 2 related digital camera videos which have been downloaded to HD. I used NeroVision 3 to consolidate and convert them into a DVD-Video file. Since the compilation was 7GB, I exported to Image Recorder on HD. When I try to import the DVD-Video into Nero Recode, the Add Import screeen does not show the DVD-Video in the file in which it is located, nor will it import the DVD-Video since it can't seem to locate it. Windows shows the DVD-Video in the file exactly where it's supposed to be.

    What did I do wrong? I assume the DVD-Video is in the wrong format to be recognized by Recode, but I used the default settings in both NeroVision Recode, and they should be compatible.

    Just for grins, I tried to use DVD Shrink to compress it, but DVD Shrink couldn't find/wouldn't recognize the DVD-Video in the file where it was located.

    Any help would be appreciated.
  2. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Nero Recode won't import that. You need to select "Write to Hard Disk folder" when finishing up with NVE. This will create the VIDEO_TS folder that Recode can use.

    The method you used first created a file with a .nrg extension which Recode can't use. Nero Burning ROM can use it but that wouldn't do you much good as your compilation needs compressed.
  3. mdmgso

    mdmgso Member

    Aug 5, 2005
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    Spot on with your advice. It did take one more step. After selecting "Write to Hard Folder", I had to create a new folder for the destination as follows: first a new main folder with the title of the DVD-Video i.e. XYZ DVD-Video, then two sub folders - VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS. The subfolder VIDEO_TS then had to be chosen as the destination. After writing the DVD-Video to this subfile, Recode(andDVDShrink) would then recognize the file and do its thing.

    Thanks for your help. I still haven't received a response from Nero customer (non)support

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