i've backed up a few dvds using dvd decrypter and dvd shrink i also have nero and was using that to do the actual burns. i've spent some time over the last few days reviewing all the info on dvd rebuilder . i've purchased the pro version of dvd rebuilder and have used it to make full backups of a couple of movies with decent results. my question is if i use nero recode like shrink to remove languages and extras but i don't compress with nero instead send it to dvd rebuilder to compress the movie only will that give me a somewhat degraded file to start with. i've read several posts which imply that shrink will degrade the original movie files even if you aren't shrinking them and i know that there are other programs to remove extras but i've already paid for nero and i would like to use it if it won't affect quality drastically
The simple thing to do is do a test. Do it all with recode and check the quality if its up to your standards fine if not then such the other avenue. I'm not sure though if you can remove any unwanted files or data without encoding if you are encoding to fit a DVD-5 you will loose some quality try encodinging to fit a DVD-9 to the HDD in file mode that way theres little quality loss if any and the compress with Rebuilder.