Hi all, I have Nero Vision Express 4.7. I add two *.DAT files using Make DVD-Video option. After I burnt successful to the DVD+RW, I try to open it in dvd-player, pc/notebook dvd-rom, only the pc that I used to burn the DVD can play the movie, but it was no sound. The others player/DVD-ROM even can't play at all. Since, I have try to play the preview movie In Nero Vision..after Menu editing screen.. there should have been preview for video and sound. "It was totally no problem". Is the DVD+W not support? I'm using the "Mitsubishi" & "Smart Disc". Now, try to export the .DAT file to .avi file, play it without problem. Then I burn again, still same problem. I found inside the dvd, it just have a video folder only, as I know it should have an audio folder which contain audio file. Would someone tell me what I have done wrong. Calvin
The 'Audio' folder is not required. Using Nero Tools > Nero CD-DVD Speed > Scan Disk to verify that there are no errors on the disk. It's possible that your standalone player does not support +RW. Either check the manual or plug the model number in here and try to find the specs. http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers As a last resort, paste the Nero log file from the burn in the Nero Support Forum at Afterdawn.Remove the serial number near the beginning of the log.