Nero vision 4 problem - Imported files bigger than original files

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by Fran330, Nov 25, 2007.

  1. Fran330

    Fran330 Member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    I coudln't find a topic with this same problem.

    My system is Windows XP and I use Nero 7 / Nero vision 4.
    I have 2 unprotected DVD's ( 4.7 GB) with TV show episodes on them, but the episodes are not in the right order. So I would like to rearrange the episodes on 2 new DVD's (+ R, 4.7 GB) and make new menus.
    I'm using Nero vison 4 and I chosse the "import disc" option. What's not working is that the imported files (titles) are then much bigger than the originals once imported and they go over what a DVD R+ can hold.
    When the Nero window shows the 8 titles of the DVD (just before it imports them), they are each between 400 and 500 MB. There are 8 of them and their exact total size is 3840 MB (which is even less than 3.9 GB, right?). I also checked the original DVD in my Windews explorer and its size says 3.53 GB. That should be fine for the burning since the limit shown by Nero is 4.38 GB.
    BUT once Nero has imported the files, it tells me "Problems may occur when burning the project. Press the details button next to the full-o-meter to get more information" and indeed, the bottom line ends red and the size of the whole thing is 5.89 GB (instead of the expected 3.53 GB).
    I continued the process, made my menu and I burned it on my hard disc (so I don't waste a DVD). Indeed the total size of the copied files is closed to 6 GB.

    I also checked with importing only the first title of the DVD (which shows 420 MB). When imported, it shows 1.95 GB, which confirms the problem.
    In order to check better, I tried to copy the whole DVD with Nero and in this case, it works !!! The size of it is below 4.38 GB. But I don't want to copy the whole DVD since I want to rearrage the order of the titles.

    Any idea why importing the original DVD makes the files bigger? and any idea how I could go round that problem?

    I hope I gave enough details and I so hope someone can answer this...
  2. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Are these mpeg2 files or AVIs? It almost sounds as though they are AVI files that are being converted to mpeg2 to be DVD compliant.
  3. Fran330

    Fran330 Member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    What's the way to know if they are AVIs? On the disk, I only see VOB, BUP and IFO files...
  4. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Those are certainly DVD files. DVDs have an IFO file, a BUP file, and one or more VOB files that actually contain the video and sound. I'm not sure why the file sizes would be exploding. Usually the default for Nerovision is fit to disk as long as that is possible to do. You might check the Video settings in Nerovision. Click the More >> button at the bottom and then the Video Options icon. Click the DVD-Video tab. Video Quality menu usually shows Automatic Fit to Disk. Audio is usually Automatic as well.
  5. Fran330

    Fran330 Member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    I just checked and it's all set on automatic. So the problem is not from there either... :(
  6. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    I've never encountered this problem. I guess one of the things you might try is to go ahead and keep the larger DVD9 target size for the project and use the Image Recorder as the target output instead of the DVD burner and create an Nero (nrg extension) image file. Use DVD Shrink (free) to open the Nero image file you created and then compress to fit a normal DVD5.
  7. Fran330

    Fran330 Member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    Sorry to reply so late laddyboy, but it took me some time to figure it all out...
    It's all sorted out now, and not the way I expected LOL... In case you're interested, here is what happened...

    I was trying your suggestion (Nero image (then I converted the image with Daemon), then I wanted to rezise it with Shrink), but as I was interrupted, I saved my Nero project before I worked with Shrink. When I reopened it later, guess what... the size of the files was as small as the original files so that they would fit on one DVD. So finally I didn't need to compress the files with shrinks, I could just burn the dvd from Nero.

    Exactly the same happened when making my second DVD. Files much too big when the project was done, but after saving the project and reopening it, all was ok.
    So I guess it's a bug in my Nero... But at least now, I know how to go around it.

    Thank you very much for your attention to my problem and for your advices. I didn't fully use them since I found the bug in my Nero, but I didn't know it was possible to compress files with Shrink and I'm very happy to know that. I'll need it soon for something else.

    Many thanks again for your time,
  8. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    You're welcome. It was good to hear that your problem was so easily solved. I'll have to remember that in case it pops up again here in the forums. What specific version of Nero were you using? The latest I think is Have you tried upgrading to that to see if that would solve the problem in the first place?

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