Hello, I was just trying to make a test burn with nero cuz i usually use something else to burn my .avi files. I get an error like 10 sec after i press burn. Here is my log Anything ? thanks
Hi TAshkar18 Here's some suggestions: 1st edit out the serial # - it's under this nd begins w/ 1C NeroVision - Main menu (1 page) This version had some problems w/ Vision. Also seemed to use more resources than other versions. So either uninstall this version - run the clean tool(write down serial # 1st) and install version or update to the latest version which seems to have taken care of those problems - new version: http://ww2.nero.com/nero7/enu/nero7-up.php Older version & Clean Tool http://ww2.nero.com/nero7/enu/General_CleanTool.html http://www.filehippo.com/download_nero_7_premium/?845 Turn DMA back on. Here's a link: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/260038 Not alot of memory - 512 mb is recommended. More is better Free up whatever you can. No mulitasking. What's the make and model of the exteranl burner? The log only shows this on doesn't list what recorders it's using. You also getting a few of these (KEY_NO_SENSE) which could be the drive isn't ready. And this error - something maybe up with one of the files but it might also be due to the version of Nero and the resources being used while encoding. Try the above and let's see how that goes.
Hi, Well Binkie beat me to it but I'm going to post this anyhow. We see basically the same thing. Binkie, I type my replies to long posts like this one with Notepad then copy/paste because I always get beat! Anyhow.... This version has bugs: Try instead: http://www.filehippo.com/download_nero_7_premium/?845 Try this guide to enable your DMA : http://www.dvdplusvideo.com/dvdguide005.html Low memory does not help, make sure you shut off un-needed applications. Add more RAM to your PC if possible. You have a DVD-ROM on a USB port that you are apparently using for the burn. Nero is receving a No Sense SCSI error. this may be because of a poor connection. Some suggestions: Swap Nero out for the older but bug free version. Enabling DMA won't really do much as you are using a USB device. You should take a look at resetting it though. Check and make sure you are using a USB 2.0 port and not a 1.1, that the connection is good and the cable is good. Select a slow burn speed. Try setting a hard drive location as a target for your burn. That will take your burner out of the equation all together and will help tell us in what area the problem may be. You can always try your other program as well. BTW your Nero serial # is in there. You should edit it out. Look for this time stamp: [19:51:53] Your Nero serial # starts with 1C82-
hello, Thanks, i have moved to a different better computer... And yes this is a USB DVD-RW Ok so what i noticed was when i put in music CDs, it shows Audio CDs in my computer, when there is no cd it just shows DVD RW Drive and when i click it it's a insert dvd error thing. BUT when i put a blank dvd, it turns into CD Drive and when i click it, it says that the drive is inaccessable??? this is really annoying me haha, cuz i've been using ConvertXtoDVD to convert my avi's but Nero seems like a better way to go.. thanks
Hey TAshkar18 I'm just a bit confused When you say 'you click it - insert dvd error'. Are you using nero again and receiving an error? When you put a blank in and it changes to cd drive it usually says DVD R on the disc in device manager so you're okay there. If you clicking on it while Nero is trying to burn then you'll get the drive inaccessible. @fasfrank LOL - this one took me awhile to type too (though no notepad). The Nero ones esp. Vision always take me awhile - sooo much to go thru and check! It's always good to have a second set of eyes looking at them imho.
Well is sounds like something else is accessing the drive. Do you have a new log you can post? What's the make and model of the external drive? Connecting to a 2.0 usb port?