Nero Vision 4 vs 5 and VRO files

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by EditorTed, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. EditorTed

    EditorTed Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    For some time now I have been successful at importing .VRO files into NeroVision4. As background the files are created as recordings on a settop Panasonic DVD recorder (DMR-EZ47K) using DVD-RAM discs. These discs record .VRO files in a DVD RTAV directory (standard stuff for RAM discs and DVD-VR discs.) I then do simple and quick editing and authoring in NeroVision. Effortless, very easy and works great!

    Problem occured when I upgraded to NeroVision5 (Nero8). When starting to import the files in Vision5, it states it has encountered an error and must terminate. The message says it wants to inform Microsoft.

    These programs are fully registered retail versions and updated, as is all firmware. My Ulead VS 11+ also imports these .VRO files with no problems at all. Only Vision5 has a problem.

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled Nero8 several times. As you all know this is time consuming. The results are always the same. I have finally reinstalled Nero7 and use it flawlessly. I don't understand how a function in previous version fails to operate in the new improved version. So why be concerned about using Vision5? Because it has better menu options.

    My take on this is that Nero8 (specifically Vision5) has bugs, and I will have to wait and see if Corporate Nero will get around to fixing this.

    Anyone have any ideas what is occuring? Thanks in advance.

  2. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    I think it's buggy as well. I couldn't get it to import some MS-DVR files and some MPEG2s without the same error message. I was just playing around with the trial. I haven't had the urge to upgrade after that experience. For conversion, it's hard to beat the standalone, ConvertXtoDVD imho.
  3. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    seems like Afterdawn posted me twice..... sorry
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2007
  4. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    If something works then don't fool around with it. I know you want all the bells and whistles that the newer versions have but that doesn't mean squat if what you want to do doesn't work anymore! I have heard so many members having problems with Nero 8 that I won't be upgrading anytime soon. And with what you guys have said here only makes me believe that Nero is now doing something to block the freedom of people to record from their TV DVD recorders. This might not be a bug but an attempt to stop copying disks from these recorders! They want to control everything that the consumer does. So if they limit you to not being able to do what you want to do, you will spend more money on things that will circumvent this and they reached their goal: spend more money! Stick with what works and some day you'll come across a program that will do better than Nero 8! I love ConvertXToDVD.... I just stuck 5 hours of different video format files onto one DVD and it works flawlessly. The menus are crude but it's the video that counts and ConvetXToDVD is great. I really could care less about the menus so long as the video conversions come out great!

    and here is another member that just confirms what I hold to be true about Nero 8:

    Last edited: Nov 12, 2007
  5. EditorTed

    EditorTed Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    OK,.... so you're saying that this is all happening becasue the company wants me to spend more money? And that is why they have handicapped their latest/greatest release? With all due respect, that doesn't strike me as the correct answer.

    It is a simple case of a menu item not operating as documented. My guess is that the newer version is making an illegal query into the operating system since the error casues the program to terminate and the operating system then requests that I inform Microsoft.

    I was only wondering if anyone else as experience with editable video files on re-writeable discs using NeroVision.

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