i use nero vision 4 to burn my dvd, i usuallyl have it on during night time. the format of the files i burn is avi, but why does some files play on my dvd player while others don’t? when it doesnt work it says no disc and they all play on the computer too. please help, thanks!
it could be the media u r using, why some might not play. also try puting the folder to ur HDD then burn manually.
Well it's always a good step to try other media, it may be your media to burner match is marginal. Fire up Nero CD DVD speed (it's in the tool kit). Run a 'Transfer Rate' test on one that works and one that doesn't and see if there is a difference in the graph.
@xingz Is your DVD player NTSC or PAL? If your DVD system is NTSC then this could be the problem. I convert allot of AVI to DVD(NTSC). I have noticed at times when I convert an AVI and set up the DVD the way I want it and then go to convert the DVD it gives me a warning that says (Most of the video file is in PAL format would you like to convert to PAL) and it has an option for yes or no. If you want NTSC then choose no. If you choose yes then it will convert the AVI file to a DVD(PAL) disc. In this case if your player is NTSC the disc my not play since it is in PAL format. I have had this happen to me a few times. Also if you have an NTSC DVD Player then make sure you have nero Vision set to NTSC video mode. Do this by starting Nero Vision Express at the bottom there is a button named (MORE) Click on it then click on the button that says (Default Video Options) choose NTSC as video mode. If it is set to automatic then it will choose whatever the AVI file has more of (NTSC or PAL) If it has more PAL then it will be converted to a DVD(PAL) disc. This is why it is important to set the video mode as NTSC and not (Automatic or PAL) Hope this helps.
@larrylje Sorry but how do i know if my DVD player is NTSC or PAL? And should i burn the movie straight away from nero vision or should i do it manually using Nero 7?
What country do you live in? I always export the DVD as FOLDERS so i can test the DVD before burrning it. Then once I check to make sure the DVD works I start Nero Burrning ROM and choose DVD-VIDEO then import the DVD files into it.
In both casses it could be NTSC. You dont have the owners manual for the DVD player? Also if you have any DVD movies with the casses look on 1 of those. It will say if it is NTSC or PAL. This still could be a media issue but this problem could be caused by trying to play a PAL DVD on an NTSC unit.
Yes it does have NTSC on it, which plays on my dvd player. so when the warning comes up i should chose no, therefore the files will remain NTSC rather then PAL?
If you get that warning choose NO. Also make sure you go into the options and choose NTSC as video mode. (Not Automatic or PAL)