I just downloaded the the trial of Anydvd. I'm wanting to backup copy protected DVD-5s by just burning direct with Nero StartSmart. It works until the very end. The burn process fails during "Writing short lead out". Everything still works fine using StartSmart on un-protected dvds and dvd-rs. I'm still using Nero 63115. Could that be the problem? I've never updated because until now I've never had a problem using either StartSmart or Nero with DVDShrink and have read several horror stories of people having this problem or that after updating Nero when everything was hunky dory before the update.
Turned out to be bad media. Bought some 50 spindles of Verbatim and each one had 1 or 2 scratched/scuffed discs on the top. This spindle happened to have some randomly scattered throughout the center.