Hello, I'm trying to burn a movie file that the properties dialog box says mpg. I've tried nero ultra 6.6.18, the video comes out fine but the audio is just high pitched screeching. I"ve also tried running it thru WinAVI avi to dvd same result. The move plays fine if use ShowTime, MediaPlayer but I can't figure out how to burn it so I can watch in home dvd player. I'd be greatful if one of the Guru's here care to voice and opinion. Thanx,
I'm not a big fan of WinAVI. I prefer VSO's ConvertXtoDVD or Intervideo's DVD Copy 4 Platinum. The Film Machine is a freebee and some people like DVD Santa. http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/ http://www.intervideo.com/jsp/InterVideoDVDCopy_Profile.jsp http://members.home.nl/thefilmmachine/ http://www.dvdsanta.com/ Do you know what the sound source is: AC3, DTS? Your player has to be able to decode the sound to be able to play it. Fire up DVD Shrink and analyze one of the DVDs you burned and ID the sound format. We'll assume the sound format is the problem until you report back differently. You might want to check the documentation with your player and see what sound formats it supports.
The movie is a file, not a disc. AVIcodec says it's m File : 891 MB (0.00 B), duration: 0:00:01, type: MPG, 0 audio stream(s), quality: 46 % Video : 140 KB, 1150 Kbps, 29.970 fps, 352*240 (4:3), MPG1 = MPEG 1 (VCD), Supported AVIcodec =Audio is mpeg1 layer2 (0xc0) Thank you for your responce
This suggests there isn't an audio stream with the AVI. File : 891 MB (0.00 B), duration: 0:00:01, type: MPG, 0 audio stream(s), quality: 46 % Video : 140 KB, 1150 Kbps, 29.970 fps, 352*240 (4:3), MPG1 = MPEG 1 (VCD), Supported It would still be a good idea to pop in one of your burned disks and see what DVD Shrink lists as audio streams since I'm not sure whether the program you used just IDs separate audio streams as opposed to embedded streams.