Hi - I'm a complete newbie at trying to copy DVD's. I purchased ICOPYDVD2s. I burned a DVD and when I tried to play it back it had lots of pauses and skips. I searched the forum and found Nero was suggested. I downloaded that and also Shrink. When I try and burn the DVD I got an error message that says DVD-r is not compatible. I purchased a DVD+RW disc but it still would not burn. Sorry if this is so basic. I'm at a loss. Thanks, Kathy
It's a TEAC DV-W24E. It's a new Toshiba Laptop. I purchased TDK DVD-R discs from Costco and Memorex DVD+RW. Thanks for the reply
well, it should be able to burn both those discs. download dvd decrypter. when using shrink, hit backup, and under target drive choose burn with dvd decrypter and see if that works. Your TDK discs should be good. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]V9 PS2, flip top, SMD, DVDLoader Pioneer 107, ritek g04 DVD Shrink, DVD Decrypter, Nero[/small]