
Discussion in 'All other topics' started by megs8888, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. megs8888

    megs8888 Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I am New to this backing up stuff is NERO worth purchasing from the net to back up dvd's???
  2. toyfigure

    toyfigure Guest

    In my own opinion...YES!

    I've been using DVD Shrink (free) & Nero to backup movies for years and never had any problems with them. The coasters (like 1-2%) were due to bad media, not the software.
  3. ccampbell

    ccampbell Regular member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    You will get a variety of responses to a question like this. Both positive and negative.

    The best solution is to simply download the Demo version of our Nero 6 Ultra Edition software and test to see if it meets your needs and standards. The Demo is a FULL working demo for the month it's released.

    P.S. We will have a new Demo posted in the next week. I would recommend waiting for this release before downloading and testing to see if it meets your needs.

    Best Regards,

  4. megs8888

    megs8888 Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Thanks alot very Helpful indeed just one more thing is there anywhere that gives a god step bystep on backing up dvds using nero and i used it last nite after alot of figuring out and it was burning and got to 63% and stopped any ideas?????????????? thanks again.
  5. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Nero works very well for me, as far as a burn failing at 63% that may just be a media problem.
    For your Nero questions, head over to DVD-R for Newbies. Most of our Nero experts spend a lot of time there and in the Advanced Users forum as well.

    Nero always asks if you would like to save a log file. That is a good idea as you can copy and paste it into your thread. Just remove the registration number first though. The log file is helpful in sorting out problems.

    Nice of you to drop in!
    Do you think that a more definitive guide to Nero log files will ever be made avalible? We sure could use one.

  6. ccampbell

    ccampbell Regular member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    Hi Frank,

    I've created one for our Nero Burning Rom/Nero Express log file. But that is fairly easy to read and follow. I provide this document to all of our OEMs. I'll look into posting it on our website as well.

    As for NeroVision Express, I have not yet created anything for it yet. Time is the problem, but I need to get around to this as our OEM's really need this as well. The only problem with this is it's not going to be something your average user will be able to follow. But it would be better than nothing. :)

    I'll try and allocate time for it, or delegate it to one of our Tech's who has the knowledge and capability.


  7. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Thanks Craig,

    Trying to decypher a Burning ROM log file is always a challenge. I always ask folks to post them so I can look for obvious mistakes. A lot of what I do is compare their file to files I have saved. I don't have too many problems myself, Nero has always worked well for me.

    It seems that most Nero problems can be solved by removing and reinstalling the program, using the avalible utilitys or just following the instructions. I still see that lots of folks are still using 6.0.0. for example.

    I get a few comments about poor support from Nero, Generally having to do with the length of time it takes to get a response. Just the fact that you are spending some time here shows me that there is interest in what users are doing and issues they may have. This is a good thing!

    When a program will not work for someone, and no solution seems available, often the only solution is to change programs. I always prefer to help fix what folks have, not dump programs. By providing a knowledge base, this makes it easier for me and my other forum partners to get your programs up and running, rather than recommending something else.

    I look forward to reading your guides! I would prefer them to be a bit too technical rather than too simple.

    Thanks again!
  8. ccampbell

    ccampbell Regular member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    Hi Frank,

    The main items to look for in the Nero log file is as you mentioned the version of Nero they have; the firmware for their recorder; how their drives are configured as far as DMA settings and the IDE controller and its drivers; the Memory available versus memory used; the MFG of the media being used; the type of write operation being done; the drivers listed at the end of the log; the write speed selected and the write speed the recorder allowed; and only then do you look to the Error messages generated. Because any descrepencies in the other areas could be the cause of a generic error message which could be misleading.

    And of course when you do get an error message, always look to the very first error code, and ignore any that come after, as its like a domino affect. Too many only read the last error message which will not properly direct you to the actual problem. I could go into this in more detail, but I'll save it for the Guide on reading the log file. :)

    And from our years of experience with Recording software in general, a clean install is always the best response for any un-known problems. First, because if you are going to trouble shoot an issue you need a solid base from which to begin from. Second, we have found many issues are caused by a failed install, a corrupted download, registry changes caused by other programs being installed or uninstalled,etc. If you were to try trouble shooting without first having a solid base to work from, you could speed weeks chasing your tell, and then when you finally get frustrated and reinstall your operating system you find all is working again. It's much easier to use the Nero Clean tool to clean our software from the system, clean the registry of our software. And at the same time our Clean tool removes remanetns of other Recording programs that have been installed by removed at one point. As annoying as it may be to here a Tech ask you to do a clean uninstall and fresh install, it really does save a lot of time and trouble in the long run.

    However, with that said, it should not be used when a customer reports a known problem. :)
    Which I admit I've seen a Tech do now and then. And we take steps to insure they do not do it again.

    As for our Techs' Response time, we average a 3 to 7 working day response time. We have a system called a CRM that delegates the Emails to our Tech's based on a first come first serve basis. But it also makes sure that any consecutive Emails go to that same tech so we do not have 3 or more different tech's trying to help the same person, to avoid confusion and repeated questions. The CRM system also keeps a history of all your Emails so we can see what was said previously, or even months ago. But sometimes Emails are lost, or tied up due to viruses, or other occurances. So some Emails do fall beyond the standard response time. :-(

    Sorry, I didn't mean to write a book. :)

    Maybe you can send me an Email at and I'll send you what I have for the Nero Log file breakdown. And so that I can provide you with a similar breakdown for the NeroVision log file once I have it complete.


  9. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Thank you so much for the detailed reply! I guess I have been helping folks out using pretty much the same guidelines.
    The first section of the burn log holds a wealth of info as you said and many people do corrupt their installation somewhere along the way. Myself included! I generally figure out what I've done to screw the program up.

    I just spent the last 8 hours trying to get my wireless network up and running and have failed at it. I'm gonna go get some beer and pizza and call it a night.

    BTW Thanks for a great bunch of programs! NeroVision Express has some really great features that are a blast to play with. Very flexible as well!

    I'll shoot you an E-mail...


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