Hi...I'm a total noob, and have been guilty of posting pretty stoopid noob posts, but this time I believe I've tried hard to figure it out on my own (but to no avail, of course). I received a DVD from a cousin that was a simple rip from a VHS cassette, which, in turn, was made from bunch of old home movies. They were put in a random order, so it's back and forth chronologically. I'm trying to chapter it up, and, if possible, re-order it. Using NeroVision 3, I combined the 5 vob files into one movie, then divided it into 47 (ouch) chapters. I've done this a few times, as I kept messing up my chapter beginnings and order. I learned the hard way that double clicking one of the vob files when in the edit mode will duplicate it, adding it into the movie again (no wonder my length kept growing while I was trying to cut things!) I also learned to combine the 4 vob files into one after chaptering it up, otherwise the chapter timeline slider gets too tight and cluttered. For example, this is what it looks like now, after combining: What I hope to do is "shuffle" those chapters around, to try to put them in the order they were filmed, or at least in some kind of order. The random way they were dubbed to VHS makes it so you go from a birthday party to a hunting trip, back to the birthday, then back to the hunting....you get the idea. Is that possible?
Instead of cutting them up into chapters, I would edit the VOB's in AVIDemux. Load the VOB's, select clips and save them, then when you have all the clips you want, load them into Nero in order. The input VOB (which are MPEG files) are not encoded, simply saved as .mpg clips, so there is no loss of quality before they go into Nero. http://www.videohelp.com/tools/AviDemux
Thanks attar, that sounds promising. The disc I burned with the 47 chapters is an improvement over the original, but only as a tool to give my aunts, who hopefully will be able to tell me what order to put everything in (assuming they have the patience). Another thing I learned about NeroVision is that the music I was able to attach to the menu/title page restarts every time you advance the page. In other words, with 47 chapters, only 4 appear on screen at a time. Each time I click on the right arrow to see the next 4, the song starts over. Is there a setting I might have missed that can alter that? Also, I recall seeing a setting somewhere that offered a choice of what the DVD will do after playing a chapter: play the next one or go back to menu. I can't recall where that is.....does anyone know? And one more thing, now that I've figured out how to insert my screen print images into posts (thanks binkie7): I get this message telling me that I can download menu templates---> Once I navigated thru that link, which is far from direct to the templates, I downloaded some templates, restarted, but Nero isn't finding the new templates. I don't know where it's looking...does anyone? Thanks again all.