hi all, iv been using nerovision express 2 for a long time now with transcoding times around 2-3 hours, but lately its jumped to around 6 hours per movie. when it first happened i rebooted and it was fine again for the first movie, then slowed down again on the second. i formatted my computer shortly after and everything went fine again for about a month but its started again, only way i have found to resolve it is to reboot before every burn, even reinstalling nero only worked for 1 movie just like when i reboot. any ideas cos this rebooting is getting old. thanks
Hi. Is it the burn speed or the encoding speed? Is the DMA transfer mode active for your drives? http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/checking DMA.pdf If you want to just reset everything to defaults: Try resetting the transfer modes for your IDE devices as follows: Right click on My Computer and select Properties. Click the Hardware tab. Click the Device Manager button. Click the "+" beside DVD/CD-ROM Drives. Right click on the name of your DVD burner and select Uninstall. Click OK. Still in Device Manager: Click the "+" beside IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers. Right click on the Primary Channel and select Uninstall. Click OK. Right click on the Secondary Channel and select Uninstall. Click OK. Restart the system. Hopefully your drive will work after doing this. Let us know how you make out. Here's a guide that may help if you get lost. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/260038 It's a little longer approach to doing the same thing as above but has pictures. Have you checked the amount of fragmentation on your hard drive? My Computer Right click on hard disk drive icon and select Properties. Click the Tools tab. Click the Defragment Now... button. Select the drive to be analyzed. Click the Analyze button. Defragment if recommended. Edit: added You might post the last section of your Nero History log that deals with the last burn when things were slow. Each log section begins with a Nero Burning ROM header followed by your program serial number and name in some cases. Delete the name and serial number before posting. The Nero History log/file is in this path: Nero 6: Program Files > Ahead > Nero > NeroHistory Nero 7: Program Files > Nero > Nero7 > Core > NeroHistory
no its not a problem with burning the disc its the encoding thats gotten sluggish for example i was encoding 4 episodes of a tv show onto 1 disc this morning, the total time for encoding and burning was estimated at 8 hours (and its not the estimation thats wrong it will actually take that long) then after a reboot that went down to 2 hours 20 mins. right now im encoding and burning a movie which will be the only thing iv done since the tv shows this morning and this is going to take 6 hours 50 mins to encode.
That seems like a really long time to me. I assume your processor is fairly fast. Is it a full processor or a Celeron/Sempron style. How much memory do you have? What priority is the encoding set for? Is there anything running in the background that's stealing CPU cycles? CTRL-ALT-Delete and look at the Task Manager and examine the resources being used. Did you check the disk fragmentation? I could see a slowdown if you're doing other things while NVE is encoding and the OS is memory swapping. If after rebooting, things run better, it seems like it could be a memory problem. Does your system have good circulation and cooling as the process is CPU intensive and would generate a lot of heat.
yeah i tried defragging i have a 3.1ghz processor and 512mbram like i said i went for about a year without any problems every encode previous has been below 3 hours long the problem has only started within the last month, only thing running in the background is winmx (but that was always running before and didnt slow it down) as a primary connection that uses alot of memory but has never caused a prob before, i thought of that and closed down winmx while encoding but that didnt resolve the problem task manager didnt show much in the way of memory usage at the time. in general the pc seams to be running the same as always with the exception being nerovision express slowing down
Have you tried a restore point farther back in time when it ran faster? Have you uninstalled with the appropriate Nero Clean Tool and then reinstalled Nero. The current best versions are: Nero 6: version available here: Package 1: http://httpdl1.usw.nero.com/software/Nero6/Nero- Package 2: http://httpdl1.usw.nero.com/software/Nero6/NVE- Nero 7: version available here: http://www.filehippo.com/download_nero_7_premium/?845 The Nero Clean Tools are here: Nero 6: http://ww2.nero.com/nero6/us/Nero_6_CleanTool.html Also run the Driver Clean Tool: http://ww2.nero.com/nero6/us/Driver_CleanTool_and_RegistryChecker.html Nero 7: http://ww2.nero.com/nero7/enu/Nero7_CleanTool.html Driver Clean Tool: http://ww2.nero.com/nero7/enu/Driver_CleanTool_and_RegistryChecker.html
thanks i just tried restoring, ill see howthat works on my first encode at the moment but after a reboot like i said it works fine first time. ill give the cleanup tools a try if i still have problems, and i have never updated it to a newer version so ill do that as soon as this encode finnishes, thanks again