I'm trying to add video files to NeroVision Express to make a DVD but kept getting a popup that says "This program requires the file advrcntr2.dll, which was not found on this system". I've uninstalled and reinstalled the entire Nero Suite a couple of times, but this error kept coming up! Please help! Thanks!
Extract this file to windows/system32 folder http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/download.php?advrcntr2download0UIjT0ZMiT
Did you reboot after extracting the file? If you did then it may not be set in the registry. You can set it like this. Press Start and select Run Type cmd and press Enter Type regsvr32 advrcntr2.dll and press Enter Then restart the computer.
OK I've done that and have successfully registered the dll. After restarting the machine, I went back into NVE and got this error instead: "Fatal Error: Installation corrupted - please reinstall NERO" So I uninstalled Nero and reinstalled it. Restarted machine, but still got the same error!
Hmmm... Ok the only thing left I can think of is check and see if that dll is in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\Lib. If it is not try putting it there.
No it doesn't work... I put the dll file into that Common Files folder you mentioned, and as a precaution I set it in the registry again using cmd, restarted the machine. But the same error keeps popping up! One thing I can share is that it (NVE) worked fine BEFORE I tried out Nero 7. After I installed Nero 7 I realised it's only a demo version, so I removed it and reinstalled my Nero 6 OEM, and that's when that error about the dll file came about! Any clues!?!?
Ahhh.. You may have multiple instances left over that conflicts. I am on my linux box so I dont have direct links for you. You can go here http://www.nero.com/nero7/enu/Clean_Tools.html and get the clean tools for 7, 6, and the tool for registry and driver clean. First uninstall any nero that add/remove will uninstall. Then run those tools to clean up any leftovers. Then install fresh. Maybe that will do the trick.
let me tell u what i had to do. nero.com has a clean up tool to completely remove any nero software on your computer. http://nero.com/nero6/enu/General_CleanTool.html just download it u don't have to save it just open it. follow through the steps and when dun and restarted just reinstall and it should work fine. there is also an update avaliable for nero 6.
I just wanted to thank you so much for all of your help. I was experiencing the same problem, and followed thru on each step, and the cleaning program fixed everything. Nero 7 was the biggest headache i've had in a long time. Thank you again.