first off I don't have DSL or internet at home.but I have everything to hook-up my gamecube to my pc. I start up by hooking up my cat5 cable turning on the gamecube and PSO and try to connect to my pc.on the pc side I'v did everything on there but the network card says unplugged and it never I need the internetto get this to work.I'v spent so much on all the stuff to get my gamecube to my pc and I'm jest lost.I would love to stream are rip my on game.can anyone please help.
I found the best this to do was to buy a second NIC ( like 20$ or so) and cross over it directly to the GC with a good crossover.
i got it working just using the wrong cable.I went to redio shack and got a crossover cable plugged it in and soon as I did network connected! I was like a kid at thanks to all that helped me out.the cat5 cable was not a crossover so thats why it did not I get why they call it a crossover the wires are swithed around on the I'm so happy I can't beleive I did this and with help got it all working.thanks again. and now for my next step trying to burn the game to dvd-r.I hope this is a little easyer. hope this all helps someone else out like it did for me.
Nerver told him to buy one, I told him I HAVE one. I have Highspeed, So changinf my IP each time i want to connect to my GC is a pain, so i bought a second NIC (Network Interface Card) and dedicated it to ip X.X.X.100 to connect to my GC.
Stop connecting the modem directly do your computer and get a router instead, then you won't have to.