1.I have an 18m connection. 2.Just bought a linksys Gigabit 10/100/1000 network adapter 3.what do some of the network adapter settings do? Flow Control:Enable/Disable Jumbo Frame:Disable/2kb MTU through 7kb MTU Link Speed/Duplex Mode:auto negotion/10mbps half or full duplex/100mbps half or full duplex/1000 full duplex Offload checksum:Tx/Rx Checksum/Tx Checksum/Rx Checksum/Disable Offload TCP_LargeSend:enable/ disable
what im getting at is. is there any way i can change my settings to get better performance because as of right now my comcast 6m connection seemed way better that my current 18m at&t connection
It it is slower, it is because the service provider is not as good. Even if you do have 18M (I doubt it), you probably have high ping. Try out www.speedtest.net to see how it is.
speedtest.net test done at 1:05pm eastern time ping: 41ms download: 17.02mb/s upload: 1.41mb/s page load times seem slow video streaming is terrible hulu is choppy as heck
Speedtest looks good. You might try resetting your router to factory settings, and maybe even try another web browser incase there is something wrong with the config files for it.
ill try a new browser. not sure what i can do about the router. i have a 2wire 3800hgv-b so the modem & router are all in one.
if your wireless. change your wireless channel! had the exact same problem with my u-verse. go to http://gateway.2wire.net/ (assuming that you have the same 2wire router i do. use that url (or enter the ip address) to access the router settings. Click on "Home Network" icon --> wireless settings. Then enter the Password (found on the router sticker) and then change the channel you are broadcasting on. you can use Netstumbler (just google it free download) to see what channels are broadcasting around you. The install techs never check this. there were 3 people on the same channel within range and it messed with my connection. If your not using the wireless turn it off! If still no luck, im outta ideas. Best Luck, JMW Sigma Mu Zeta #188