I want my parents computer to be able to use the shared drives in my media computer however whatever i seem to do it can never find them. Downstairs i have a switch and the dsl modem is hooked into that and so is the computer. then i have to ports going upstairs to my room. and then my wireless router is hooked into that which has my computer, my media computer and my xbox hooked up. iv tried turning off all firewalls. i tried using a port on the router and making the cable cross over. and it still cannot connect to the computer downstairs. i even set up a home network. Not sure what to do. I dont really want to have to buy another switch and put it in my room. Or is there a way to turn a router into a switch?
yes i did. only my computer and the xbox(xbmc which i have been watching movies for months hooked up to the media computer)and even my 360 can see the drives. i just cant get my parents computer to see the drives.
Also what OS are you using on each machine? I've had difficulty having an older OS easily see a newer one. If windows, do you have the same workgroup name on all machines?
on my computer i have win 7 home. on media computer i have win xp pro and my parents computer has win xp pro. my win 7 can share with my xp pro comp thats my media computer just fine. i was just using it today. and yes they are all in the MSHOME workgroup.
though the only thing that win 7 cant do is RDC to win xp but thats a whole different topic lol. but it sees the shared drives.
You are having the same issues with the same setup I had, same computer systems only I got PS3... Have you tried everything listed here http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-7/share-files-and-printers-between-windows-7-and-xp/