hey, ive searched far and near for networking instructions to no avail. everything is always either too complicated or going off track. (maybe it's just me) i need to retrieve files from my pc and need som SIMPLE networking instruction please. ive installed my nic's and both computers seem to recognise each other, but i still cant see the files on either computer. please help. cheers.
If you haven't done this yet, you'll need to run the network wizard first before you can share files. Then, on the system you want to retrieve files from, you'll need to share the folder(s) they are in. Don't forget to turn the XP firewall off!! Or, if you're using a third party firewall, set it up to allow File and Printer sharing over the network.
Hi there, maybe this helps. Assuming both computers can "see" each other have you configured any installed firewalls for allowing access from the network? Which folders do you wish to share? have you turned on file sharing? In win XP right click the folder/drive you wish to share and choose "sharing and security" tick the box "share this folder on the network" and apply. The folder/drive should then be accessible from the other pc's on the network. *note to self* type quicker to not look like a copy poster and beat morph to the answer once and a while...*
thanks for the replies. i have done all that you guys suggested and even done a command promt (ping I.P.) and both pc's recognise each other. however once they are networked, do they automatically show their shared files on the other pc? and how do actually tell the computer to access the other pc? sorry if it doesnt make much sense!!
Hi , Do you have a shortcut on your desktop "my network places" if so double click this to access local machines and shared services. The shared folders/drives should show up in there. Check in the printer folder Start/settings/printers and faxes for a shared printer or run the wizard to install a network printer.
No.....they don't always automatically show up as shared folders with the exception of the default shared folders under My Documents. You can also try installing an older protocol on both systems called IPX/SPX. Right click your My Network Places icon, go to Properties. Right click your LAN connection, Properties. Click on the Install button, choose Protocol...click Add, then IPX/SPX. Sometimes you just have to wait a few seconds for the My Network Places to read the shared folders/drives over the network and show up in Explorer.
Thanks for the tip about the older protocols morph. Will make a note of that. Can't say I've had too many problems with XP recognising all shared folders, but If I do will know how to cure it. Cheers.