Hey guys! I got a simple question to ask anyone interested. I am working on a tutorial for an extreme xbox mod. One theat guides the user through everything including upgrading the hdd all in one process. What I would like is an indepth tutorial on networking the x box to the pc. From evox. I wrote it twice but gets a little confusing for some that have read it. I just thought I would let someone else write it that way we could share credit on the entire tutorial. Anyone interested Please pm me.
Yeah I know I used one of them thats why I am creating one thats easier for beginers. Thanks for your reply. Chunky Head
what is simple and what isn't is all a matter of perspective. If you know about networking then stuff like FTP and online gaming is simple. If not it is like reading Chinese no matter how you word it. give it your best college try though. But there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many sites that have tutorials on eveything you could need already it is really just for your personal benefit.
Sorry to sound so negative in previous post. I should have elaborated. The tutorial I am writing is to be printed and is for some friends of mine. I know and am aware of the tutorials online, they are the ones that i learned from THANKS CHUNKHEAD ) You have exellent tutorials. Do you mind if I use your networking tutorial with pictures in my tutorial, I shall give full credit to your contribution. and send you the printed copy when I am done. The tutorial I am writing covers more than just x box its mostly alot of linux understanding. I myself am learning more and more from researching tutorials from yourself and others, not to mention trying them hands on. Thanks in advance for replies.
I give my knowledge and tutorials free of charge, however not for profit! Feel free to use them for your own personal use!