Hi all. first posting on this forum so be gentle with me..... Ive just purchased a new 107 to replace my hp 200i. I'm no technical whizz kid, so took advice, and have installed the drive correctly (i think!) Windows recognises it ok, and device mngr says its fine. My problem is (and I have searched and read [bold]ALL [/bold] the other posts on this matter) that I cant write to my dvd-r's that I purchased especially for this writer. My 107 reads cd/dvd fine. It write to my arita 4x fine. when I try to write to datasafe red top (I know they are cheap and nasty) I get a power calibration error. I know other people can and have previously written to this media with a 107, so why cant I? Any help would be most appreciated, as when I read the other threads on this 'your writer is knackered' seemed to be a popular answer, and this has just cost me enough! ** ive checked my drive and it has the pioneer 1.09 firmware. I dont really want to install the hack until im sure its not the writer thats dodgy. # If i install the 1.10 origional firmware, can i still install the hack later, or do you only get one go at it?
Yeah, try the firmware update (though note it will void your warranty). Also, remember that a Power Calibration Error is nearlt always caused by poor media. A DVD Writer calibrates with the media before each burn by writing a small sector on the disc. My opinion would be that the discs are not in good condition, maybe try to get your money back on them.