hey dude,i got a box 2day and 90%of the channels come back"scrambled or bad channel" some channels i have,like bbc,rte and itv etc but every thing elce sport,film everything isnt there.the channels i dont have have little doller signs in the corner and the ones i do dont have them.all radio channels are there.could u help me please?
Whatever box it is, you only have the free to air channels because you need to put the new firmware on it yourself, they don't come with the upgrades on them.
me youngfella is playing a match (soccer). At least its not raining (yet). Enjoy your dinner & i`ll talk to you soon
sorry lads its the box super(3).how do i put the firmware on it and were would i get it and thanks again lads
anarii, you`ll need the 7.09 beta firmw@re which you`ll find here in the (st@rview sup3r ) folder in eamos library. http://eko.4shared.com/ All the updating info is here thanks to celtic 71 : >> http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/663923