new burner very slow

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by jdcamaro, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. jdcamaro

    jdcamaro Member

    Jan 10, 2006
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    i bought a new sony dvd 16x burner and it takes 3 hours to burn a dvd. i also have a liteon 8x burner and it burns a dvd in about 20 minutes the liteon is the master and the sony is the slave what can i do to speed this thing up?
  2. Glitched

    Glitched Guest

    Is it on the same cpu or different cpu cause you cpu comes into play when you are burning
  3. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    3+ hours to burn! Sounds like your sony in in PIO mode.

    Make sure your dms's are enabled. That litey controller may be in pio mode. Here's a link to show you how to check:

    Double check your jumpers on your drives/connectors.

    Did that new sony drive come with a new IDE ribbon?

    Some of the newer drives come with a 40 pin/80 wire IDE ribbon which is recommended to use. The older ribbons are 40 wire and can slow you down..

    What's your system specs and OS?

    Tell us your configuration: Primary master/slave-cable select and Secondary Master/slave-maybe cable select. Some pcs will call for cable select instead of slave.

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