They aill be posted soon here Why dont you update the firmware so the codes autoroll themself
hey celtic my st*rview is on the old 2.57 firware,id like to update it but scared might bugger the sa*rview up,whats chances of that ?
If you can start a new thread please , Press Menu > System Information and tell us what the API is You will also need to know if its a clone or genuine b0x 18x7 vents on top = clone 25x7 vents = genuine We can take it from there tehn we will tell you how to do it
thank you scouser,still alittle uneasy about doing it,just getting a little fed up of having to redo codes,ive got the cable and the ver 4.0 firmware and its an genuine box. its not been firmwared since i got it had it about 6 months now...might go ahead and do it and hope i dont bugger it...cheers
It will only take you a few minutes just make sure, (which you probably already have), that it is a genuine box before putting on version 4. I presume you know how to do this, if not just ask. And when you have upgraded you will be able to post the keys here when they update again instead of looking for them