Ok first off wanted to say that I did read bbmayos Newbies read first thing.It did come in handy. But my problem is that There are so many programs out there and I dunno which is the best and which works with the other, On my old computer I was using Dvdshrink and dvd43 But as I read on thru the forums people said that dvd42 wasn't any good. As I have noticed in the past it doesn't get all movies. I like dvdshrink because I can take all the previews off. I have also tried anydvd and dvd decryptor but didn't know how to work it. Gosh I feel like a dumb ass. But please help.Thanks so much.
Here's what I suggest: 1. Rip it to Hard Disk using DVDFab Decrypter (http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm) 2. Process through VobBlanker (http://jsoto.posunplugged.com/vobblanker.htm) 3. Re-author with DVD Shrink (http://www.mrbass.org/dvdshrink/dvdshrink32setup.zip) 4. Burn with ImgBurn (http://www.imgburn.com) Here's a link to a guide that will give you detailed steps: http://www.k-probe.com/backup-newly-release-movie-DVD-DVDFAB-Decrypter-VobBLanker-Nero-Recode-2.php This is the best [bold]Free[/bold] way to back up your DVD's. Many users here prefer AnyDVD/CloneDVD (http://www.slysoft.com/en/), as there are fewer steps involved in making a copy. There is an upfront cost involved, but there is lifetime support and the software is updated regularly. Personally, I don't mind the extra effort and would rather use the free tools. There is also a relatively new free option called Shrinkto5 (http://www.shrinkto5.com/software1.asp). I have looked at it, and while it may be a better solution, I prefer my way. If you choose to go this route, you will also have to install machinist2.dll (http://www.sendmefile.com/00377470) Good Luck!
If you want the best freeware backup utility, I suggest dvd-rebuilder w/ hc encoder. I prefer cinema craft encoder but it is not freeware. Since this is encoding software it will take longer but it is well worth the wait. There is a link to it in my sig. Here's a couple guides for setup and use. http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?t=54897 http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?t=55302 You will still need to rip the dvd to your hdd and for the best freeware ripper I recommend dvdfab decrypter. I prefer anydvd rip to hdd feature but it is not freeware. For editing and removing garbage, I recommend vobblanker. I prefer dvdremake but again it is not freeware. You of course will need a burning utility. Almost every computer or dvdrw drive comes with nero oem or similiar.
OK, waynekusa is right. AnyDVD/CloneDVD work good together but like he said, if you don't mind paying for AnyDVD software I think is your best bet. Besides AnyDVD the ONLY other tools you need is DVDShrink and you already have that, so here it is 1- AnyDVD to allow you to make a copy of your DVD 2- DVD Shrink to read and ReAuthor the movie 3- Nero Burning software (DVDShrink will look for Nero and start to copy automatically after the DVD is decoded) no other tools are needed. SIMPLE AS 123 GOOD LUCK !