Just got the new release underworld evolution 2 and tried to make a backup copy of it and was not sucessfull. i know what im doing and tried using both dvdfab and dvd decrypter and both stopped decrypting at the same spot. i am almost positive it is new protection but anybody have any advice anyway?
humm thats not out yet in this area. but anyway try clonedvd 2 with anydvd that should work ,theres a free 21 day trial download it here and theres a guide to use the program too http://bbmayo.home.comcast.net/
soooooooo is this a downloaded movie????? it may be corrupt..... or you live in another country where you get the DVDs faster than in the USA? thanks for the heads up, if it really does have newer encryption. I'm sure AnyDVD will be updated to correct this problem.... it usually is and hasn't failed yet!
I get early releases from my work too. I'm trying it right now and it doesn't read VTS_01_1.vob. I tried FAB, I tried AnyDVD, and decryptor with anydvd running and the slysoft recommended settings. I'll keep at it.
IHoe, you're right on. I had a slightly older version. I just upgraded, and now it's happily ripping away.
On another note, I just fixed the problems I was having with ripping Scrubs season 3. It would rip something that froze my computer (the ripped files) or dvd player (the disk I burned). The solution, and why I'm mentioning it here, was updating my anydvd.
anydvd comes though again and the movie isnt even out yet thats why its well worth the 39 dollars guys!!!