I just got a new hard drive. My original one broke so i now have a 3.2 gig fujitsu model:MPC3032AT. Every time i put it in i get error code 7 or 9. The connection is good also(everything plugged in properly). Is this problem because there is no data on it? Is it possible to format it on my PC and the error codes will go away? thanks in advance.
you have to have a modchip to just stick it in the xbox or you have to use a program called XboxHDM to format it for use with an xbox, i hope you have a backup of everything or else your going to have to get a modchip and get an autoinstaller disc
I have a hard-mod and 2 auto installer discs. I could just use the auto installer discs to put everything i need onto the hard drive but i keep getting error code 7 and 9.
make sure when you installed your hdd that you had your jumper on the drive set to cable select..also what type of mod chip are you running and what bios
xecuter 2 chip and i dont know the bios but i backed up my C drive with this hard-mod so i know the bios and chip can work if i get the right hard drive to put in it. Also is there program to format a harddrive for PC. then i can put it into my xbox.
use xboxhdm to format your hdd it is a linux based program that you boot of a burned cd..autoformats your hdd for you based on the files you include in it..look for a tutoral on xbox-scene on how to use it though you should be able to boot of slayers autoinstall cd and format the drive using that
thanx but every time i try to use an auto installer before the disc can load from cold-booting it the error screen comes up.
well i think that your best method then would be to use xboxhdm to format and lock it (if you have your epromm)
3.2 gig isn't nearly big enough. you need at the very least 7 gigs or so. both errors 7 and 9 tell you this read this http://www.xbox-scene.com/articles/errorcodes.php you can pick up a 20 gig drive for less than $20 if you go to a local computer shop and buy it used. or you can drop like $80 or so and grab yourself a really big drive. but the one you have isn't nearly big enough
i dont wont to save games on it just the ms dash and unleash. those wouldnt even takeing up 500 megabites so i would have 2.5 gigs left. I just want to be able ot play games on it. the extras like xbmp are not needed.
you still need space for the 5 partitions it creates. I think it's like 500MB for C:\ I know it's 750MB or so for each X:\ Y:\ and Z:\ and then you need something for E:\ which houses all your game saves and all that. (750x3)+500= 2750MB + whatever the minimum for E:\ is. basically what I'm saying is a 3 gig drive isn't big enough, that is what is causing your 7 and 9 errors. also I've heard about the xbox not accepting certain hard drives. I know for a fact seagate and maxtor drives work.