New hdd in softmod xbox...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by NoMustard, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. NoMustard

    NoMustard Guest

    I changed the hdd in my xbox and now I am a bit confused on the steps I need to take afterwards. Before I changed the drive I did a sofmod on the xbox drive got the eeprom did the backups etc, after some help in another thread that showed how to change the drive I installed the new drive did the softmod agian using splinter cell. I then downloaded AID 4.01 installed the 1click xbmc from the disc and noticed I have dvd2xbox also installed. I have another xbox that I didnt mod myself that has tons of games and emulators on it, is it safe to start ftp games over or will i need other software ? I am trying to avoid screwing up the new softmoded xbox.
  2. DLyon4

    DLyon4 Regular member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    No ftping them over is the way to go. dvd2xbox will transfer anything you have on disk to the HDD. I've used it for movies as well as games. If everything boots fine then start moving stuff. A word of caution: Leave the E: drive for small things, apps, emulators, trainers etc. Use your new F: and G: for the games, movies, big stuff. Just create folders for games, movies, pictures, music, whatever and stay away from E: Less problems that way, you won't accidently overwrite something, or format something.

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