first off i am using a sony 820 burner with verbatim DL or single layer disks 16X with andvd running in the background, fabdvd or dvd decrypter, using shrink and nero 6 to burn. I can rip it through fab or dycrypter to the hard drive no problem, even goes through shrink no problem, can burn it to a DL disk. BUT when i watch the movie it goes through the previews and gets to the menu screen, i hit play movie and it loops back to the previews at the start of the disk???? the counter on the dvd player even resets back to zero and starts at the begining again. This has happend to Date movie and Bench Warmers?? Any help plz
Are you trying to burn to a DL disk, if so you do not need Shrink to do this. Just run AnyDVD in the background, and rip in iso read mode in DVD Decrypter and then switch to iso write mode, open you MDS file and burn.