I was given an xbox that needed repair (DVD drive needed serious cleaning and some screws were inside some how) and when I got it home I opened it up and sorted out all the problems it had in about an hour, then I softmodded it, softmod went on smoothly enough I thought, except, MS Dash would'nt patch, After a bit of digging I found that the MS Dash directory that needed patching is named "xboxdashdata.1012A700" which is not the 5690 needed so I got out PG2 and removed the softmod and updated the MS Dash to (as reported by MS Dash) 5659 AKA "xboxdashdata.17f14d00", you with me so far? good, because this is how I fixed the non-patching error the softmod kept giving (that was "At least one file failed! error type - error renaming file, batch process stopped!" or something the like) I got a fresh, non-modded MS Dash for the C drive only (aka ms-c) and backed up the e:\backup\ms to f:\backup\ms0 and placed the new files in e:\backup\ms (the non-modded MS C drive with the directory named "xboxdashdata.185ead00") then booted to the softmod installed (can be done anyway you need, by game exploit or with eject to power on) then I selected the "PATCH MS 5690" once I pressed the "A" button to confirm I wanted to do the operation the process started, holding my breath (as you do) I watched as it patched sucesfully ^_^ in steps i did 1 - installed softmod 2 - backed up the default MS Dash 3 - installed the softmod 4 - backed up the softmod 5 - rebooted xbox to check softmod took ok 6 - booted in to softmod mene and tried to patch MS Dash (older one) 7 - after failed patch I undid the softmod and returned the xbox to factory settings 8 - then with project gotham racing 2 I updated the MS Dash to "xboxdashdata.17f14d00" 9 - re-did the softmod 10 - moved the directory named "MS" in E:\BACKUP\ to F:\BACKUP\ 11 - copied a clean non-modded MS Dash to e:\BACKUP\MS\ (this has the directory named xboxdashdata.185ead00 included) 12 run the patch process again and this time it worked ^_^ hope this helps some one out there ^_^
Ok... I just run the softmod exploit, don't even install it, connect via FTP, delete the entire C:\ and then place a clean copy of 5960 back into the C:\. Shutdown the xbox, restart and install soft mod! Crisis over!!!