Hello everyone, I just recently got a new comp capable of burning DVDs. It has 2 drives, so i should be able to copy a DVD directly to a DVD-R. Only problem is I have no idea how to do this. My comp came with Nero, so i guess thats a start. I tried using Nero alone but i got that pesky copyright message. So how do I get around this? If someone could tell me step by step what I need to do, that would be great. Thanks. Scott
Easy Peasy.... First you need to get the DVD onto your HDD without the copy protection on it...There are two ways of doing this, free and pay. If you want the free method there are several programs that you can use to accomplish your goal. Free method #1: DVDFab Decrypter, DVD Shrink and Imgburn...all free tools and easy to use. DVDFab Decrypter- http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm DVD Shrink- http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_rippers/dvd_shrink.cfm Imgburn- http://www.imgburn.com Here is a guide for using these free programs together to make your backup. The guide is slightly dated and you will need to substitute Imgburn for DVD Decrypter for the final step. http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/backup with DVDFABDecrypter,Shrink,&Decrypter.pdf Free Method #2: Ripit4Me- http://www.ripit4me.org This program takes an old favorite and breathes some life into it. It requires a few programs to work properly, but all of the programs that are needed are available in the GUI under the software drop down menu for download. Here is the guide- http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/360110 Then there is the pay method...all you need it AnyDVD, you can run it in the background of Recode to strip the protection of your movie while Recode does the ripping and the compressing. It is available for a 21 day free trial, but after that you will have to pay $39.00, this program is pretty much idiot proof and well worth the bucks in my opinion. Good Luck and happy burning.
Also i have another question, and it may sound quite stupid. It seems as if I have to first download the DVD to my hard drive in order to burn it. If so, does this take up alot of space? And Im guessing after you burn the copy you simply delete the copy on your hardrive? Thanks alot for your help.
You will need to download (rip) the DVD to your HDD first which will be around 8 gigs, then you will be encoding with DVD Shrink creating an ISO (another 4.3 gigs), once the burn has been verified to be successful you can delete all the files from your computer. I would go with method #1 for ease and simplicity.