Hi guys, I'm new to the DS scene. I'm more of a PSP guy, but it's been quiet recently, so I just want to know everything about the DS. I have the R4DS but I didn't know they had firmware versions. Can someone top me up on all the basics?
kikzm33z, Welcome to the DS scene! With R4DS, you can just simply drag and drop ROMs onto the root directory of your micro SD card or you can create a folder in there and perhaps name it NDS Games or whatever. Also, with this flash cart you don't need to patch ROMs. The most current firmware for the R4DS is kernerl v1.11. Here is the link. If you have anymore questions just let me know...
Wow, thanks pryme, I thought no-one was going to answer me. So thanks again. I guess I'll learn the same way as I did in the PSP scene. Thanks
If you can handle PSP life you can easily handle DS life. DS mods and homebrew are at least 10 times easier to execute than PSP mods and homebrew. Pretty much everything you need to know is already stickied.
I once had a PSP myself back when they first came out. I had a 2GB card and could only fit very few ISO games. With the NDS, game sizes range anywhere from as small as 3MB to 256 MB. While you're at it, download the ROM trimmer as well to compress your ROMs so you can maximize the space in your micro SD card.
True. Backedup games for the PSP could take hours while DS roms takes less than 45 minutes. So there's a compressor for DS roms too? Wow, that's great. I'll check it out later. Thanks.
Now, that I think back you are right! A ROM trimmer came with the R4. I guess I overlooked that because of my excitement!