I know this probably isn't enough info to help, but maybe someone out there can give me a hand. Just picked up a soft-modded x-box w/ a 80 GB hard-drive. The soft mod is probably a bit out of date, the default skin is a blue-ish background, has the phoenix symbol pop up briefly before it loads. Anyways, I can load games fine off the hard-drive (there are 12 that can already loaded onto it) however, whenever I insert a DVD burned copy of the game (which works fine in my friends modded xbox [he seemed to have a newer softmod])....it loads the Xbox Media centre and tells me that the disc is unrecognizable, and makes me remove it before returning to the softmod menu. What should I do? And if I theres no way to load the burned games, can I put them on the hard-drive somehow? Edit: Upon further inspection; the applications I have are DVD-X2 Donlge DVD Player Px HDD Loader Xbox Media Player When I try to load games from the burned DVD using the HDD Loader, it scans the DVDs and says they are 0.00GB in size...yet these same DVDs are being recognized on my friends soft-modded xbox. Original games work fine.
it could be that you and your friend have different versions of Xbox that have different DVD drives it them. Not all dvd drives have the same compatibility with certain types of media, for example some don't read CD-R but will read DVD-R. Find out what kind of dvd drive you have and search around for som compatibility lists. this page has some info http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/536595#3246424 near the bottom