Not another rumour thread, just want some answers to some simple questions. These cards are now arriving in the post, as well as being advertised on the info channel - Given this is just a card replacement, and the existing STB's are being kept, is this a switch from Nagra 1 to Nagra 2, or to Nagra 3? I presume someone knows whether the existing STB's can support Nagra 3? If it is just an update to Nagra 2, can existing Starview/Whatever boxes be flashed to a new firmware to continue doing their job? Obv if its Nagra 3 it's gameover....for now. Thanks, Inq
this is just another thread ..answered numerous times.please try the search tool on the site and you will find your answer. kind regards
The forum search tool is crap, and using it I can find plenty of variations on this theme, but not one simple answer to any of the 3 questions posted in the OP. Thanks for your enlightening response.......
your very welcome , but try not to worry to much if you just wait time will give you the answer because the truth is you will not know till it happens and when it does i suggest be patient and your answer will come to you and maybe by then we'll have an update for the search tool also for you.
Its a simple 3 questions, time is not required. 1) Can existing STBs be upgraded to Nagra 3? 2) Does anyone know if the coming card change is to implement Nagra 2 or Nagra 3? 3) Can existing boxes be adapted to decode Nagra 2?
this may help you,
If as previously suggested by suse103 you take the time to read through previous posts then you might see the answer that you need!! as for calling the search engine on this site crap, its funny how anyone else who has used it has almost always found the solution from previously posted queries, but if you cant be bothered then tough!! you will have to put up with the answer you got!!
I spent 30 minutes googling and using the search function on this site, both the google and the legacy system. It comes up with a miriad of spam and no answers to these really very straightforward and simple questions. I'll ask again, and clarify somewhat.... 1) Can existing official U*C STBs be upgraded to Nagra 3 by UPC or is Nagra 2 the extent of the available options for U*C? ( 2) Does anyone know if the coming card change is to implement Nagra 2 or Nagra 3? 3) Can existing FTA Starview etc. boxes be adapted via firmware upgrades to decode Nagra 2 or will they be doorstops?
Please Please Please close this...for everybody's god how time passes and still the same situation.I do believe you have not listened to a word.So for the final time before i ask to have this closed, the answers you seek are in the forum already and those that cant be answered will be in please accept the truth and move on.
this type of thread is posted at least once a week, and the bottom line is...we will have to wait and see.. that's all we know!!I have no intention in getting involved in another one!! have a look here at a heated previous thread on this very subject:
Those threads, and my oh my there are thousands on the web, are all hearsay and conjecture. Someone must have the technical knowledge to be aware of how far U*C can go with just a card change, rather than a complete STB change. I don't expect all the answers, but someone somewhere does know if they can implement Nagra 2 or indeed Nagra 3 given the STB box infrastructure currently in place. Inq
suppose your right....why dont you just phone the CC and ask them, that way you will know for sure!!!
No matter how facetious you and Suse try to be, your customer care skills are out of the top draw in comparison to a UPC CC, I'll take my chances here thanks
good comeback at the end of the day - the pirates always have and always will be one step ahead so i wouldn't get me knickers in a twist just yet
always good to look on the humorous side of life don't you agree, thanks you started my day with a smile , customer care that's a good one,sounds like you just might be a mystery shopper pity you didn't do your research first...oh and i do believe will find your answer just read what was said will not know until the object of your fear has its moment and then methodically you can examine what it is your dealing with..until then your just speculating and thats the truth. Im signing off this and imagine this will be closed.
Hey sus103 when you click you link to google.. The second result is back to this page... So what do ya think will existing stb work on nagra 3 ???????????????????????????????? LOL
I got n*l broadband installed this afternoon and while they were at it my UPC box (and digi card) were also replaced, I only had the original box since Jan was well Any idea what they are doing here?