I will be receiving a new Dell laptop with the premium edition Vista loaded on it. Will I be able to download a patch of some kind to get my older Nero 7 version to work on it, or am I out of luck?
You'll need to use Nero or later. Ones vesions below the aren't Vista compatible. The latest version of Nero is
Thanks binkie7! I'll download version as long as I have that long Nero 7 ID #, it should be OK then. (I read version was the most stable. Hopefully on Vista as well) If my thinking is flawed, please let me know.
You're welcome bjs07 I don't run Vista so I couldn't really say which would be the most stable version of 7 with that o/s. They have had fixes and enhancements since that version for Vista that may or may not affect your setup. Give that version a shot - worse case do a clean install and try the latest. Might be a good idea to check the release notes - Nero was actually Vista 'certified' w/ on. But only Burning Rom and Express are Vista certified. I use the latest version - all good on my end even fixed the Vision audio sync issue - but running XP.
Version is Vista certified for Express and Burning Rom! That may be the ticket. I'll take your advise binkie7 and review the release notes. Thanks!