no you can upgrade your hdd with a softmod. just copy all of your files including your eeprom and use xboxhdm to creat a new drive from scratch and then lock it.
yes ive done it. as fas as what hdd to get, i dont know. some people say that only some hdds will work, and other say that all of them will work.
I did this same technique with a Samsung 160BG Hard Drive. It didn't work. When I put the new hard drive in my XBox I get an error about the xbox needing service. This same hard drive works in my brother's xbox though. How weird is that? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
well if it works in your brothers and he doesnt have a modchip, then youve more than likely locked it with his eeprom. you have to lock the hdd with your eeprom for it to work with your xbox.
What I mean to ask is can I erase the hard drive and start over using the files and EEProm off of MY Xbox? I really hope I haven't messed up this 160GB Hard Drive now. It makes total sense what you are saying though. I would have never thought about that.
yeah you can fix it. you have to unlock it with his eeprom and lock it with yours and it should work.
I got it to work and now have a 160GB Hard Drive in my XBox. I added a few emulators and some roms last night. Today I will add a few more applications. Thanks for the help guys. I really appreciate it.