I hope someone here can help me. I have done a search through all forums here and haven't been able to find a solution I understand as yet. I am downloading AVI files and wish to covert them to MPEG via Mainconcept H.264 Encoder and then author them with TMPGEncDVDAuthor. I am finding that the majority of AVI files I am converting to MPEG is experiencing audio sync problems (audio ahead of video)...the original AVI file plays fine but the MPEG always has the out of sync audio problem. I have looked all over the internet for a solution but most of the info goes over my head. Can anyone please explain in laymans terms what I need to do to rectify this problem? I would be very grateful for any help you can give me. Simple (if possible) step-by-step instructions would be most welcome.
I used to have the same problem. Download this program, it decompresses the audio, and will put it back in sync: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=J7HNW11I
I've been to that page a few times and can't find any file to download. Ads come up and that's about it. I can see a file description but nothing else.
Use TMPGEnc Plus 2.5 to convert your AVI files then use TMPGEncDVDAuthor. Thats what I do !!! No audio sync problems.....
Thanks for the advice. Finally figure out how to download decompessor.exe and it worked just fine on two files I was having problems with. Have used TMPGEnc to do the third one and it worked on a short test that I did. Takes over twice as long as Mainconcept but it works I'll stick with it.