Newbie Buying New Burner Questions

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by rocky38, Apr 11, 2006.

  1. rocky38

    rocky38 Member

    Apr 27, 2003
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    Buying my first DVD Burner and I was really confused with all the models out there. Really in the end all I was concerned with was getting the best quality burner for the buck. After reviewing a ton of post's here all morning, I'm sold on the Benq DW1655.

    Basically, a couple of years ago I use to burn alot of VCD's and now I going DVD. Since then alot of things have changed like DL Disc's and LS Burners. Feels like I'm having to start all over again. Any way I have few questions:

    I will primarly be burning home movies (.AVI) to DVD's now (w/the ocassional DVD movie backup) from a new handycam I just bought 3 weeks ago.

    1) About the DL disc's - will it (software) reconize if the file is to large for a SL and suggest burning to DL? Is there a quality issue here between the two or just size?

    2) What are the draw backs to DL (if any) as opposed to SL?

    3) Will a lot of usage of the LS take away from the lifetime of the DVD Burner?

    4) The write speed for Benq spec’s (DW1655) say 8x +R DL and 4x –R DL, but suggestions here at AD say, for best performance & quality use 8x +R DL (or SL) & Booktype. This is supposed to be better then 4x –R DL (or SL)??

    5) Why is it better to burn DVD (for stand alone players) using DVD+R and booktype rather then simply using DVD-R?

    6) Is there a difference in burning habits DL and SL or, are they the same (see question 4 & 5 above).

  2. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    Let me tackle as many of these as possible ...
    1- Depends on the software ... NeroVisionExpress will, lots of others won't ... It really isn't too hard to make the determination on your own
    2- Cost, cost, cost ... 30¢ for SL, $2 for DL
    3- Yes .. the same laser is being used for both purposes
    4- In my opinion and experience ... +R/+R DL and booktyped is best
    5- Booktyping a DVD+R to DVD-ROM 'fools' the DVD player into thinking that you're playing a commercially pressed DVD
    6- I'm really not sure what you're asking here so ... Uuuuhhhhh??

    Hope I've been helpful in at least some capacity ...

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