Newbie friend messed with EPROM...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by telcart, Feb 17, 2006.

  1. telcart

    telcart Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    Ok, so I modded my friend's XBOX for him and everything was great. Contrary to my telling him NOT to connect to XBOX Live with the modchip enabled, he tried anyway.

    After being banned, he found some kind of article on-line telling him how to fool XBOX Live by modifying the EPROM. So, I guess he went into ConfigMagic 1.6, and selected to load an EPROM file, unfortunately, he had not followed the instructions in this article and loaded nothing. He told me that all the fields within ConfigMagic read only zeros (0). So he selected Update XBOX EPROM and the XBOX no longer turned on.

    He's got a Crystal 1.6b XBOX with an Xecuter 2.6CE Lite modchip, is there anything we can do to recover his XBOX or is it gonzo? I've got a 1.0 XBOX with a Xenium Ice modchip, perhaps I can use that to recover his XBOX? Any ideas...

    (The grin on his face is priceless, he destroyed his own XBOX)
  2. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    It seems like he messed with the BIOS, If it doesn't turn on then i think it is pretty much trash......

    Sorry, unfortuantly thisn't is the answer you were looking for

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