Ok.. I know you guys have probably already answered this question about a million times but I just don't want to read all the forums to get the answer. Please be patient - as I am a newbie to DVD +/- RW... I have just purchased a new system that contains a DVD +/-RW and I don't know the steps to perform to successfully burn a downloaded (pirated) movie onto a DVD R and have it play on my home DVD player. I have downloaded a movie from Limewire and it is an .AVI file. I am pretty sure I have to convert the file before burning. #1 - don't know if there are is any converting software available free that doesn't put a watermark in the middle of the screen... #2 - I don't think my home DVD player is DIVX compatible. What should I do now? any help would be greatly appreciated Sartia
You can use nero Vision Express to do this. Below is a guide on how to convert an AVI file to DVD compatible files to play on a DVD Player. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/272946 Other then that you will more then likly have to pay for a program like ConvertXTODvd or WinAVI to do this.
"...I know you guys have probably already answered this question about a million times but I just don't want to read all the forums to get the answer." Right... No sense bothering yourself with a little research. So, rather than making any effort on your own, any effort at all, on how to backup an .avi file to DVD, you just want to be spoon-fed the steps? And, as it just so happens, you wish to be spoon-fed on how to back up "pirated" content. My, my. Lykke til...
I think what you should do now is read the forum rules and read the area it says that discussion of pirated materials is against forum rules.
@moonrocks & res2cue I would suggest you guys read the forum rules also. I was guilty of thinking it was against forum rules as well to talk about downloaded pirated stuff. Which is a wrong assumption. I also was corrected and was given the quote below that is posted in the forum rules. That is a quote from the forum rules that you have suggested be read. I will agree that this topic should have been searched and just because a member has newbie status doesn't excuse them from using the search option on the site.
From One Newbie to another, I would suggest that you Read,Read,Read and when you finish Read some more. Its really the best way to learn things raher than have someone show you how to do it. In any Forum, no matter what it's about you will always find some Know-it-all that was born knowing everything and the fisrt thing they will b!@#h about is, "Why don't you read". It's a crappy deal but that's just the way it is. If you use avi2DVD, it's a free softwear that will convert your avi files to DVD. I'ver used it and it works great, It took about four hours to convert the file, but it works great. Here is the link to the Guide and Softwear. Remember Read ON. http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/avi_to_dvd_avi2dvd.cfm
@larrylje You're right. Requesting help on Afterdawn for converting explicitly pirated content to DVD is permitted. I thought for sure it couldn't be, but as you stated, it certainly is. Thanks for pointing that out. http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/newguide.cfm My overall reaction to sartia's post ("I can't be bothered to look into it just give me the answer") still remains. But good point on the pirated content issue.
yup, thanks for pointing that out... I guess I should have read a little closer. But you know what I would like to see? How many actual posts there are on this website if you took all the duplicates topics/problems away.
a great program that will do the job it ConverXToDVD: http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/
thank you for everyone's answers. some "members" perhaps can take a course in manners... A simple - there is lots of information about this topic - and pointing me in the right direction would have been sufficient instead of being rude. thanks again..
@sartia, I agree with your comments, it's our position here at AD to make new members feel welcome...so on behalf of AD...a belated welcome!!