Hi all Have been browsing this forum as a guest since buying my Starview box back in Jan 2007 - some great advice on here I had 2.59 running for a while, but this caused a lot of freezing up. So went back to 2.57 and all is well. But one of the benefits of 2.59 was that it had an auto-clock function, which meant the EPG always read correct. With 2.57 I have to set the clock manually each time. So I decided to check the innards of my box to see if mine was genuine original (ie ver 3.00+ safe), but that's where I'm stuck... http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a15/af135/123_2377.jpg http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a15/af135/123_2376.jpg http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a15/af135/123_2374.jpg http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a15/af135/123_2373.jpg There are 18x7 slots on the casing, but the remote looks like the first version. The heat sink and chip don't look like the clones, but the power supply does. Can anyone offer any help identifying it? Thanks everyone
That link is incorrect philyg The correct one can be found at the bottom of myself and Scouser's posts
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm still unsure - using the numbers from the Attack of the clones site... 1. The rear is the 'Copy' one, but therefore could be 1st gen 2. The remote is the 'Latest' (not original as incorrectly stated above) 3. The heat sink looks like the 1st gen, but the power board looks like the clone. In the close-up, my chip isn't a Samsung, but also is not the same as that shown in the Clone photo. But it doesn't have the 3rd line under the date stamp, like the Clones do. I'd originally thought I had a 1st gen box but not so sure with the remote now. And also the fact that the innards display the proerties of both the original and the clone! Does anyone know when the clones started appearing? Thanks again
Alright mate? My box looks exactly the same as yours, the back looks like a copy, the inside chip's got hynix printed on it, but the power supply looks like the copies. I have a genuine remote, without that rectangular box at the top. I also couldn't decide whether mine was a copy. I got fed up and took a gamble by putting the 400e firmware for genuine boxes on it (which I believe kills clones) and my box's been working fine for months. Your epg will still be shit though, but at least you know.