hi ive been trying to burn 4 1.4 gig sony camcorder dvd discs to 1 dvd normal disc, im using nero 6 but cannot sort it out. has anyone a step by step guide to do this thanks davey
Dear daveymoll, This is quite easy to do with Nero Recode: First, run Recode, click 'copy entire dvd to dvd', then follow to copy all mini dvds onto the harddisk, each under a separate folder (e.g. movie1, movie2 ...). Now run Recode again, click 'remake a dvd', 'import titles', then go add the various 'titles' under each movie folder in the desired order to add to the compilation window. Follow to burn to dvd. Happy DVD compiling!
If original miniDVDs had menus and you want to preserve them, than try DvdReMake: http://www.dimadsoft.com/dvdremakepro/ht_merge_full.php
i was having a problem with copying the disks that you are talking about and what i found out was those disks are mini dvd -r and my dvd rom would not read them nor my dvd burner it just does +r so what i had to do was go to a friend's and use his burner cause his burner will do both + and - so he just copyed to the hard drive and burnt back to a +r and thain i was able to make copys for my cuzzin, so if your burner suports both + and - you should have no problems at all hope this helps