Hey everyone, I'm new here and I am having a problem with my Gateway T-6339U dvd drive. The drive is a Optiarc DVD RW AD-7563A ATA drive. Its been making loud spinning noises when a dvd is inserted,won't read most dvds now, and won't burn cds. So I'm guees it's pretty much shot. Does anyone know where I can find a new one to order it? Or a better upgraded drive that will fit my laptop? I am not looking to spend alot of money, I am a truck driver and just use it to watch movies and since its not working now I am going crazy having nothing to watch. PLease Help. Thanks.
I would be inclined to use an external drive. I don't know anything about the seller, but there is an NEC drive listed here that is listed as a replcement for that pc. http://www.onsalebattery.com/gateway-t63-m6000-dvd±rw-burner-drive-sony-nec-ad7563a-p-28189.html