Hi there. Afterdawn really provides a lot of great info. The guides have helped put me in the right direction for making full-disc back ups very easily. But there is Sooooo much info and Soooo many different softwares available, I can't figure out which would work best for me - and I don't think it's healthy for my little laptop to keep loading so much software (we all know stuff gets left behind even after uninstall, and this thing is starting to slow down as it is). Can you help?? If you know the right guides for someone like me, a newbie that's not good with highy-complicated programs (ie: good advice was using DVD Shrink coupled with Nero which gives me good quality full disc back ups in only about 3 very Very easy steps - thank you Afterdawn), but please please Please point me in the right, uncomplicated directions for the following: 1) How to burn AVI, WMV & (MPG's/MP3's/MP4's??) to DVD (good quality) and make chapters that have screenshots? -I've used Nero 7's NeroVision and it makes a nice movie on the disc, but chapters don't display screenshots correctly for some and then I end up with a menu on my screen that uses Nero's logo for the chapter pic (so that's what I see when I pop in the disc on my player - I can change the background but I haven't yet fixed the chapters display problem)... and I've tried manually moving the chapter time but still it won't show the screenshot (if this chapters issue were resolved, it would be the perfect program for me)... 2) Best way to burn a back up from disc with main title and only selected features (like if I just want to keep feature & deleted scenes on disc and Not keep ads) - Without losing menu functions (or a no-brainer way to re-do the menus)?? - I know that with DVD Shrink you can replace those with pics or a blank screen, but those will play for the same amount of time as what's been replace (ie: instead of 10 mins of automatic previews it won't let you skip, you watch 10 mins of blank screen) 3) Those websites and e-cards that have micro-movies embedded in Internet Explorer - I'd like to keep some of those e-cards... someone responded to a post to use FireFox, but I've also heard FireFox is more vulnerable to viruses (and have seen special sections in some protection software/Internet Securities/Spyware blockers for FireFox)... I'm trying to find out if it's safe enough (at least no worse than IE when it comes to security) or if there is an alternative that will work... - I've tried the Replay Suite/RM recorder but it wouldn't work for this (found through links from that post).. - I've also tried Flash (the program, not the player) and won't do this either... If you can point me to a guide for any of the above, I'm using Windows XP SP2 - and please don't forget I'm just a basic Newbie - so far... And a Suggestion for Afterdawn's great guides (thank you so much to everyone who made those): Maybe someone could just organize them into Guides for Newbies, Intermediate, and Advanced users. That would be GREAT for different levels of users I think... Thanks much!!
@ctimbers1 1st off, do you have anydvd? that would be the most simple way of doing backups, but is not free. secondly, this is my trio for doing error free backups with no problems, (and is all free). rip to HD with dvdfab- strip unwanted junk with vobBlanker- then use srink- this way is also very simple, and alkohol has a very simple guide for using this trio.although it does require an extra step it will work every time on every backup, and new releases, if used correctly. the second step,after you rip to HD with dvdfab is to run through vobBlanker which will allow you to remove as you stated "just want to keep deleted scenes and not keep ads". this step will allow you to "keep only what you want". i will put a link to alkohols guide for you, its just trial and error and finding what works best for you. sorry i can't help you with the avi thing. don't know much about that, but i'm positive that someone here knows exactly what you want done. i hope some of this helps. i have been using firefox for a while now, 100% love over IE, have had no problems with it. ther are so many extentions that make it so much better than IE. including some that do what you want, downloading the video from some sites onto HD. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/334154 here is that link to alkohols guide.