Newbie problem.

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by mr-miles, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. mr-miles

    mr-miles Member

    Aug 3, 2004
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    First of all i would like to say hello to everyone....

    I have had a really good searc`h through the forums but can't find the answer to my problem.

    I have a Divx film i wanted to convert to SVCD, i tried nero first, but it always crashed on encoding, so i used TMPGEnc, i then used easy video splitter to change the two files into four. Number 1 of 4 burnt straight away, as did 3 of 4 and 4 of 4, however, 2 of 4 starts encoding in nero where upon it crashes again..
    I cannot understand why 1 of the 4 files will not write straight to disc...?

    Ps.. i have the latest version of nero with all plugins
  2. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    obviously the #2 of 4 is not a standard compliant svcd thats why nero wants to re-encode it, youve probably done something wrong when cutting #2.

    tmpgenc has a cut feature, ive never had a problem with it, file>>mpegtools>>merge&cut try using that to cut your files making sure you select 'mpeg-2 super videocd' from the type drop down menu to keep it standard compliant. all you want nero for is to author and burn your (s)vcds, stay away from nero's encoder as its really dodgy.

    oh yeah and you dont need the svcd plug-in with nero if you just want to author and burn a standard compliant svcd, the plug-in is only if you want nero to encode your files to svcd.
  3. mr-miles

    mr-miles Member

    Aug 3, 2004
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    Will give it a try..
    Thanks for the info

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