OK, I had some issues with my burning, but I think I got them licked! It was an issue with DVD +_... My player only does plus.. Here is the next problem... I was using sony discs, and everything was fine. I am now using Fuji discs, and it will burn the DVD, but it won't play on my PC... it burns from my PC, but IMG or decryptor wont verify it. I have to cancel the action. it does burn the whole movie though, and plays on my DVD palyer? Any thoughts would be appreciated!
I use the same. The machine itself does not recognize the discs... it is so weird... The machine just runs but doesn't recognise the DVD, but the movie gets burned!
Time to upgrade, that burner must be a little long in the tooth. With quality burners going for <$40 you'll have far fewer toubles and media problems. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827136091